Williams is a life-long taxpayer advocate who has archived the state’s largest collection of government waste. Jason heads both the Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation and its sister organization, Taxpayer Association of Oregon.

Weak Oregon construction jobs dragging things down

University of Oregon Regional Economic Indexes Press Release provided By Tim Duy Oregon Economic Forum University of  Oregon Oregon Regional Economic Indicators: In general measures of activity remained soft in May compared to earlier in the year. Still, all major metropolitan regions in Oregon are growing at or above their average pace of activity.  Highlights…


Oregon housing costs

Press Release Provided by Josh Lerner, Office of Economic Analysis, This edition of the Graph of the Week highlights the relationship between home prices and new home construction across the 50 largest metros in the country. (Original graph idea from Jed Kolko, formerly of Trulia.) It comes out of some work Tim Duy and I…


Oregon hurt by low levels of housing permits

University of Oregon Regional Economic Indexes Press Release provided By Tim Duy Oregon Economic Forum University of  Oregon Oregon Regional Economic Indicators: University of Oregon Regional Economic Indicators Measures of activity softened during the spring, but still indicate that all areas are growing at or above their average pace of activity. Highlights of the report…


Rep. Stark: Sober centers is a tool law enforcement needs

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation On June 25, 2015, the house passed a bill by Representative Duane Stark that would give legal protection to sobering centers, places where police can take people who are publicly intoxicated. Under current law, police can take intoxicated people home, to treatment facilities, or if none are available, to…


Highways become veteran tributes

Rep. Huffman: Honoring Vets with Three Highways By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation Three highways in Oregon have become Veterans Memorial Highways. The bill, HB 2036, sponsored by Representative John Huffman (R-District 59) and 18 others, was signed into law on May 21.  US Hwy 395 was designated as the World War I Veterans…


Rep. Weidner: A cure for newborns

By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon, Rep. Jim Weidner is working on a bill to start a pilot program to screen newborns for Krabbe disease. Unless the disease is caught very early, it is fatal. The parents of 5-year-old Marshall Wilson, who is dying of the disease, urged Oregon legislators to include Krabbe testing for all…


Rep. Bentz: Rural Oregon to get self-serve gas choice

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation A bill that would allow self-service gas at rural stations between 6 PM and 6 AM when no attendant is present has passed unanimously in the House. The bill (HB 3011), sponsored by State Representative Cliff Bentz (R-Ontario), applies only to counties with fewer than 40,000 people. Bentz said…


Oregon as a Purple Heart State

Rep. Huffman: Securing Oregon as a Purple Heart state By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation House passes State Representative John Huffman’s resolution designating Oregon a Purple Heart State On June 3 the House unanimously passed a resolution designating Oregon as a Purple Heart State. The resolution, sponsored by Rep. John Huffman (R-District 59) and others,…


Senator Thomsen: View from a farmer

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation Senator Chuck Thomsen is a Hood River pear farmer who is watching the Legislature roll-out Ag destroying bills with no concern for the average family farmer. Thomsen explains that non-farmer lawmakers treat farming as it were a big businesses in a steady stream of annual profits. That is not…


Labor force drop a drag across region

University of Oregon Regional Economic Indexes Press Release provided By Tim Duy Oregon Economic Forum University of  Oregon Oregon Regional Economic Indicators: Measures of economic activity softened somewhat in March, but still indicate further gains in Oregon’s metro areas.  Highlights of the report include: Moving average measures of activity – which smooth monthly volatility –…