The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation was founded in 2001 by Don McIntire and Jason Williams. The late McIntire is most commonly known as the author of Measure 5 (Oregon’s historic property tax limitation measure). Williams is a life-long taxpayer advocate who has archived the state’s largest collection of government waste (Williams also heads a sister organization called Taxpayer Association of Oregon).
The Foundation is big on saving your tax dollars.
The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation is committed to exposing government waste, fraud, and abuse at all levels of government. When government waste is not identified and eliminated it leads to higher taxes, higher costs, and fewer government services.

The Foundation is big on positive solutions.
The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation has published “100 Ways to balance the Oregon Budget without new taxes”. This report collects the best cost-cutting ideas of both Democrat and Republican Oregon lawmakers as well as successful ideas utilized in the other 49 states.

The Foundation is big on alerting the public.
The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation has conducted multiple statewide surveys as a vital way to give a voice to ordinary taxpayers on their opinion on government spending, regulations, and new laws. The Foundation is on the radio, television news, and web media sites to broadcast our surveys, reports, and latest government waste findings.

The Foundation is big on teaching the next generation.
The Foundation has done essay contests and pizza conferences with students and young Oregonians. We are teaching Oregon’s future about how they are taxed and where their tax dollars are spent.