Williams is a life-long taxpayer advocate who has archived the state’s largest collection of government waste. Jason heads both the Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation and its sister organization, Taxpayer Association of Oregon.

Oregon 5th highest cost of living!

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation, Housing is the single biggest factor driving the cost-of-living. Recent research finds Portland, Oregon is one of the most “severely unaffordable” major housing markets in the world — ranking 67th. Because of the high cost of housing, Oregon has the fifth highest cost-of-living in the U.S. The reason for…


Tax Reform bonuses continue to flow

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation, The landmark tax reform bill passed by Congress has already started reaping benefits even before it’s provisions take effect. The bill, which will reduce taxes for 80 percent of Americans and dramatically lowered tax rates for Corporations and other businesses, became effective January 1, 2018. Here are some of…


$4 Gas may be seen with Carbon Tax

Oregonians could soon be paying $4 or more for a gallon of gas if lawmakers pass cap-and-trade in the next year, according to the Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation. Recent surveys from the AAA of Oregon and Washington indicates this would amount to a 40 percent increase in the price consumers are currently paying at…


Oregon jumps to 6th biggest tax-and-spend state

The latest numbers show that Oregon jumped from 10th to 6th biggest state and local government spending state in the nation per capita according to the National Association of State Budget Officers, latest State Expenditure Report and estimates for 2016. This means Oregon out spends, per person, 44 others US states in terms of total…


Governor proposes Carbon Tax

Governor Brown is at it again. In the works is another new, monstrous tax. A new $600 million dollar per year tax to grow even larger in subsequent years. (Quick calculation: that is $150 per year for each man woman and child in Oregon) It will be sold as a “Cap and Trade” carbon tax.


Does County help or hinder opioid crisis?

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation Multnomah County filed a $250 million lawsuit in August against drug companies, distributors, and doctors. The county alleges a conspiracy to hide the danger of prescription pain pills in order to promote the widespread, long-term and lucrative use of their opioid products. Last week, Governor Kate Brown’s task force…


Calculate your Kicker Tax Refund

Million of your tax dollars were over-collected by the state of Oregon during the current budget cycle.  Oregon voters approved a law that requires lawmakers to return over-collected tax revenue to those who paid it. The average Oregon Tax Refund is $227 and can be claimed when you file your 2017 taxes next year. Use…