Williams is a life-long taxpayer advocate who has archived the state’s largest collection of government waste. Jason heads both the Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation and its sister organization, Taxpayer Association of Oregon.

Penalties for failing to file returns electronically

By Oregon Department fo Revenue Newsroom release Starting with the filing of 2014 returns this year, the Oregon Department of Revenue will be assessing penalties for failing to file information returns electronically. Oregon requires businesses filing any number of W2s or more than ten 1099s to file those electronically through iWire by March 31.


Senator Knopp on privacy protection for drivers

Government’s use of technology to keep track of citizens is advancing exponentially, and Oregon Senator Tim Knopp believes we need to take a step back and evaluate what this means. Tim Knopp is sponsoring three bi-partisan bills in the current Legislative Session (SB 639, SB 640, SB 641) that would curtail government’s ability to store…


Capitol Newsletter: Tax Death trap

See our Capitol newsletter update…. Sen. Herman Baertschiger: Solving rural Oregon’s tax death trap Senator Tim Knopp: Privacy concerns over government car tracking Rep. Sal Esquivel: Killing this will boost timber, farming & ranching


Oregon lacking home building gains

University of Oregon Regional Economic Indexes Press Release provided By Tim Duy Oregon Economic Forum University of  Oregon Oregon Regional Economic Indicators: December was another strong month for most regional economies in Oregon.  Highlights of the report include: Moving average measures of activity – which smooth monthly volatility – indicate that all nearly areas are…


Oregon population statistics

Release by Josh Lerner, Office of Economic Analysis, I don’t know if it’s paternal instincts or not, but I’ve been thinking a lot more about generations and demography lately. I just wanted to share some of graphs our office uses and talk briefly about why this is so important from an economic point of view.…


Revenue Department addresses fraud regarding recent tax scam

By Oregon Department of Revenue, The Oregon Department of Revenue has identified inconsistencies in recently-filed state tax returns prepared with third-party tax preparation software, indicating potential fraudulent activity. However, this is just one of many scams detected and stopped this filing season by the state’s tax administration agency. “Fraudulent attempts are on the rise and…


2014 Economy: Oregon ends on strong note

University of Oregon Regional Economic Indexes By Tim Duy Oregon Economic Forum University of  Oregon Oregon Regional Economic Indicators: Most regional economies in Oregon experienced above average growth in November.  Highlights of the report include: Moving average measures of activity – which smooth monthly volatility – indicate that all nearly areas are growing near or…


Make tax deductible gift before December 31st

The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation has been protecting your rights as a taxpayer for over 10 years! – We expose government waste, fraud & abuse – We fight in the courtroom to protect the rights and privacy of taxpayers – We educate taxpayers & lawmakers of gross tax mispending (while providing solutions to end…


2015 forecast: Double digit spending & 40 tax increases

Double digit spending & 40 tax increases proposed for 2015 Legislative Session By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation Governor’s Budget & Proposals – Nearly 11% State spending increase – Freeze building new prison beds – $800 million in new government programs – Taking the people’s Kicker Income Tax refund – Creating the nation’s first billion…