Williams is a life-long taxpayer advocate who has archived the state’s largest collection of government waste. Jason heads both the Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation and its sister organization, Taxpayer Association of Oregon.
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, Officials at Reynolds High School in Troutdale refused to let graduates who enlisted in the military wear the stoles of their chosen armed services branches, prompting outrage from their families. Angel Lopez Lane, who enlisted in the Marines, planned to wear his stole when he crossed the stage to…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, Here is some data point from the job numbers: • Foreign born workers (which includes illegal migrants) vastly outpaced American born workers. • 433,000 people have left the labor force in May 2024. • 100,000 of these workers being defined as discouraged workers. • Those holding multiple jobs increased…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon & Foundation OregonWatchdog.com Here are the top 10 brands/products that are boycotted by Oregonians over politics. 21% – Target 17% – Disney 16% – Budweiser 11% – Nike 8% – Starbucks 6% – Coca-Cola 5% – Ben & Jerry’s 4% – Ford Motor Company 4% – GAP 3% – Facebook…
(Photo: TAO co-Founder, Don McIntire, in his earlier days (1990) campaigning fro Measure 5 which cut your property taxes 40%. (right) TAO co-founder, Jason Williams, at a Measure 30 petition drive to defeat the billion-dollar income tax. This cut your income taxes by 10%) By Taxpayers Association of Oregon OregonWatchdog.com Here is a history of…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon & Foundation, We know there is a lot of negativity and bad news in Oregon … … so we aimed to try focus on the positive. We asked Taxpayers Association of Oregon supporters which elected officials are doing a great job. There were 422 responses highlighting 40 elected officials, and…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, A burglar broke into St. Michael the Archangel Church in downtown Portland three times in one week and stole sacred items. The church is offered a $1,000 reward for return of its sacred tabernacle and a holy item inside it. It was later discovered in a garbage dumpster. Father…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation About 10 percent fewer Oregonians are heading to college after high school graduation than the number who did so a decade ago, a change partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2011, about 65 percent of high school students attended community college or a university or trade school within…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, The Oregon Nurses Association is part of a 3,000 nurse strike in six different Providence health centers. The Union is now asking other nurses not to show up to fill-in lost nurses to hospitals. KPTV reports, “The [union] letter provided by Providence said in part, “Providence is trying to…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, A burglar broke into St. Michael the Archangel Church in downtown Portland three times in one week and stole sacred items, which parishioners want returned.t. The church is offering a $1,000 reward for return of its sacred tabernacle and a holy item inside it. Father Ignacio Llorente said video…
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation EO Media Group which operates a dozen Oregon newspapers will be giving layoffs or cutting hours to nearly 50 Oregon employees. The Portland Tribune has sold its top publications and well as over 20 other Oregon media outlets which represent some of Oregon’s most well-known newspapers. The Taxpayers Association…