We need to help crime victims

Oregon politicians broke the law in setting convicted criminals free In 2017, the Governor and the Legislature approved House Bill 3078 which reduced prison time 20% to 30% for Identity Thieves, Auto theft and Property crimes. Politicians blatantly broke the law by releasing criminals early in violation of the Oregon Constitution. Voters put minimum sentencing…


Making a tax deductible donation and receipt

We are a 501c(3) tax exempt organization and donations are eligible for a charitable tax deduction on your taxes.  All people who make a donation will receive an official receipt within 5-10 businesses days. People who donate through GoFundMe.com can receive an official tax receipt for tax purposes by contacting us by email us at…


88% reject tolling I-5

The Oregon Transportation Commission discussed (see Oregonian article, Portland Tribune article) the feasibility of tolling the highways of Interstate 5 and Interstate 205 with the projections of raising $300 million in additional tax revenue. The Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation predicting this debate conducted an extensive mail survey of its supporters last month.   Over 400…


Poll: What Oregonians want for 2019

In a large statewide straw poll of 400 Oregon taxpayers, Oregonians were asked to identify the issues they were most concerned about going in to the 2018 elections. With a potentially competitive Governor’s race and control of the Legislature at stake, voters expressed deep concern about the fiscal management of the State.


Oregon paychecks losing ground

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation, Oregon’s income growth is lagging the nation and cannot keep pace with inflation. According to data released by the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis last month, U.S. income growth per person grew by 2.4 percent. In contrast, personal income per person in Oregon increased by only 1.9 percent. To…


IRS audits at 15-year low

IRS audits at 15 year low. By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon, For the sixth straight year IRS tax audits have been declining and have set a new 15 low in 2017 according to the Wall Street Journal. The year, 2010 was their peak, and since then they have lost a third of their enforcement staff.…


President interested in Oregon’s mile-tax

Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation The State recently gained an ally in President Trump, who cited Oregon’s per mile charge as an innovative way to achieve revenues needed to realize his plans for updating and improving the country’s infrastructure. Trump’s plan seeks to mix federal funding with State and local contributions as well as investments…


Oregon 5th highest cost of living!

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation, Housing is the single biggest factor driving the cost-of-living. Recent research finds Portland, Oregon is one of the most “severely unaffordable” major housing markets in the world — ranking 67th. Because of the high cost of housing, Oregon has the fifth highest cost-of-living in the U.S. The reason for…


Tax Reform bonuses continue to flow

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation, The landmark tax reform bill passed by Congress has already started reaping benefits even before it’s provisions take effect. The bill, which will reduce taxes for 80 percent of Americans and dramatically lowered tax rates for Corporations and other businesses, became effective January 1, 2018. Here are some of…