Analysis on stimulus proposal

By Richard Leonetti, The stimulus package being discussed, now, I believe is too much. Spending beyond just the “safety net” (unemployment, health payments) is not going to be cost effective. Great politics but lousy economics. Tax rebates will be saved, not spent, just as they were with the earlier stimulus. No one will hire for…


Serious economic lessons from the past and now

By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon 12-15-08   Only 8 years after our last big financial boom ended in a bust we have an even bigger bust in the housing and debt markets that has brought us to the edge an entire collapse of the financial system. Millions have lost houses, jobs and Retirement savings and…


Oregon’s Big Land Use Swindle By Margaret Goodwin The Oregon Land Use Act required every city and county in Oregon to implement a Comprehensive Plan, and created a taxpayer-funded bureaucracy, the Land Conservation and Development Commission, to impose mandatory statewide standards with which all Comprehensive Plans must comply.  One of their goals was to prevent…


Despite revenue drop, state budget still grows

By Richard Leonetti, If you got the impression from headlines that spending by the State of Oregon had to fall by almost $1 billion in the next two years you would be wrong. What the revenue office really said was that revenue was expected to fall by $946 million from earlier projections but the new…


Global Economic Lessons for Oregon

Global Economic Lessons for Oregon By Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon, 10/08   “In the decade before 2005, American consumers were the growth engine for the world economy, accounting for more than half of global consumer spending. The balance of power is now shifting.”  – Dave Have, Wall Street Journal Introduction The world is changing economically…


Secretary of State has it wrong on drilling

By Richard Leonetti, Secretary Bradbury wrote an op-ed piece saying we should not drill for oil. His arguments were riddled with contradictions and some speculation.  He asserts that expanded drilling will increase gasoline demand. Actually increased drilling has no affect on demand but will increase domestic supply or keep it from falling as it is…


Solar Power Leaks Tax Dollars

Solar Power Leaks Tax Dollars Bob Clark August 15, 2008 Rooftop solar electric systems are prohibitively costly to manufacture and install with or without government subsidies.  As reported in the Oregonian, page E1, August 8, 2008, a 2000 watt solar system costs about $21,000 including installation.  Under existing tax credit financing structures, the buyer of…


Real Health Care Reform

By Jim Thompson, Exec. Dir. Oregon State Pharmacy Association With another session of the Oregon Legislature complete, major emphasis was on healthcare where results showed the more effort government puts into healthcare reform the more the pattern stays the same. As we tilt at windmills in moving toward universal healthcare, one pattern stands out above…